
What does the freeze option for sprinklers do in pyrosim
What does the freeze option for sprinklers do in pyrosim

Is a city citation all that Crazy Mow’s needs to worry about? This time Crazy Mow’s received a citation because city ordinance bars sprinklers from running once the temperature drops below 35 degrees. Although the sprinklers were not running when officers arrived they followed the icy trail caused by the runoff to Crazy Mow’s Manacures. Following a minor crash at the same location last week Crazy Mow’s was verbally warned by police about turning off the sprinklers in freezing conditions.

what does the freeze option for sprinklers do in pyrosim what does the freeze option for sprinklers do in pyrosim

The police reported that Picabo Street, a downhill skier from Idaho, was hospitalized in critical condition after she hit the icy patch in front of Crazy Mow’s and careened into a tree. Plummeting temperatures created a large ice patch on Crazy Mow’s driveway and the adjacent street intersection. the overspray showered the street just the other side of Crazy Mow’s fence. However, when its automatic sprinkler system at the corner of Main and the Interstate Highway came on this morning at 4:00 a.m. Crazy Mow’s Manacures wanted to keep the soil wet around its landscaping plants this winter to keep them from freezing.

What does the freeze option for sprinklers do in pyrosim